Monday, July 15, 2013

Liposuction Procedure - American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately, enhancing your self-image.
Despite good health and a reasonable level of fitness, some people may still have a body with disproportionate contours due to localized fat deposits. These areas may be due to family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness.
Liposuction surgery can be used to treat stubborn fat pockets in many parts of the body including:
  • Abdomen and waist
  • Thighs, hips and buttocks
  • Arms, neck and back
  • Inner knee
  • Chest
  • Cheeks and chin
  • Calves and ankles
In some cases, liposuction is performed alone, in other cases it is used with plastic surgery procedures such as a facelift, breast reduction, or a tummy tuck.
Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity and is not a replacement for regular exercise and good eating habits. It is also not an effective treatment for cellulite, the dimpled skin that typically appears on the thighs, hips and buttocks.
People with stubborn areas of fat and who exercise regularly are the best candidates for this procedure.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

lipo menton-lipo menton

NOT MY CHIN I Dislike 
May we do not like casting SEVERAL Reasons son chin, Either it is too prominent (Chin said "nutcracker") fleeing either by e well profile has risen double chin. The other proposed génioplastie correct imperfections Makes CES. During Rhinoplasty, links and Associated génioplastie is apparent is available to balance his face, he is profiloplasty. He made SEVERAL and corrections: 
- Menton proéminant: There Will you reduce 
- Menton deleted: FOR booster serums transplant joined éffectuée 
- Double chin liposuction pair it take on serum fatty 

Men and women are concerned EC Type some imperfections and all age EC. 

Including a face without a harmonious profile. This comes on the psychological intervention aussi aspect Give a protruding chin too hard to face Plus, Au Contraire Women An image of chin Lack of Personality. Rejuvenation without removing double chin. 

?What are exams BEFORE procedure performed 
You will need to balance éffectuer without preoperative blood akin to verify against the absence of anesthesia indication. 

Pour Your comfort in the intervention itself WITH Performs local anesthesia sedation (Product infused without inducing muscle loosening). You stay one night at the clinic, which takes place EXCEPT for outpatient liposuction. 

Prominent chin: The surgeon made the incision in the mouth, the jaw bone Of Roots Sub teeth. It reduces by performing bone grinding UN, not only when significant correction. When applicable CAS, joined osteotomy éffectuée Will be either the removal of a slice and the tip of the chin bone rehabilitation. 
Chin: The surgeon made the incision in the mouth, the jaw bone Of Roots Sub teeth. A box (space) Is Made at the front of the chin implant silicone fluid and fun (Material Perfectly tolerated). 
The sutures are made from inside the mouth using absorbable suture. The procedure takes one hour between 0:30 ET. 
Double chin surgeon will practice A small incision (3 mm) and pay under the chin WITH insert cannula tip foam seal. THEN suck UN LÃ Network Regular grease is making tunnels of homogeneous way. The sutures are absorbable. The intervention EASTERN TIME 0:30 environments. 

?THE What are the scars
I have scars are invisible because Either Are In the mouth, either casting liposuction, chin under MEASUREMENT AND DO SOME This is millimères. 

?IS painful 
The pain can be and are relieved by moderate the reward of simple analgesics. 
Edema (swelling) and bruising will fade in 10 to 20 days after the action '. You can feel the voltage detection unit numbness and an AND Difficulty opening the mouth, pour except liposuction. During the premiers days rather be Food Will Molle, avoid too hot Dishes OR SPICES acidity. Bains de Bocas for Better be prescribed oral hygiene, which apparent recovery optimization. 

Of the 3rd day, YOUR You can Vaquer usual activities. A work stoppage of 7-10 days is RECOMMENDED in effect causes this response is attached expulsion name of swelling and bruising. Will You Made A week after environment visible. 
There Is No Counter indication to resume the sport BUT In Case transplant, it's best interest to avoid a daring and sports contacts. 

?IS PAID result 
The results will be visible between 2 and 4 weeks, BY importance of the intervention. 
Are the results of the final three months after the Action For A receding chin and not for a month and a half chin proéminant. All of Your face serums harmonious, in agreement WITH Your Personality. 

?What are the RISKS 
Choice A plastic surgeon Risks limit qualified, Just knowing that risks are inherent in any act surgery. 
Disappointment May misunderstandings arise about Gift A ou Les Petites Objectives residual imperfections. CES imperfections may be a surgical remodeling at 6 months after the first response aa. 
We possible complications, fortunately VERY RARE a TEC Related act may be surgical Following them: 

- Bleeding: very rare. 
- Hematoma: A planned evacuation serum ous large they are too painful. 
- Infection: Also Very rarely, however, and it Could be exceptionally Having Remove Need graft him CAS intolerance. 
- Lack of or delay bone healing: THE smoking AND ALCOHOL may be of Risk Factors. 
- Error in the shape of the chin: A slot is available to Level section visible bone. Soft parties (skin, fat and muscle) itself can not do correctly reposition the new chin, chin up Witch fortunately without complication is rare. 
- Breaking mandible: The chin section joined May bone fracture exceptional cause. 
- Injuries of Teeth: Exceptionally can Be dental Roots injured during PROCESSING necessitating action. It May Exist temporarily joined awareness teeth.

lipo menton

chin lipo

You have a double chin? Have you tried almost everything to get rid of him, but nothing worked? If all other efforts have failed, then maybe it is time to try chin liposuction as a possible solution.

Having a double chin is a common complaint among people cosmetic. Many people have tried to get rid of it through exercise and diet, but at the same time, it may be good for body sculpting above, you can observe the work of a body part for the desired effect. For this reason, many people are still stuck with a "turkey neck" attractive, despite their best efforts. Even if a person is overweight, you can still have an accumulation of fat under the jaw line. You can exercise a muscle, but you can not carry fat. Some people have even tried chin, or other tools, with little success.

Chin Lipo is a very effective way to get rid of your double chin. This procedure will also get rid of all the loose or loose you can have in your upper neck skin. With new technologies available for non-surgical liposuction procedures or low impact, the people who receive this procedure are very happy and have a faster recovery. They can often return to work sooner, too.

Tuck your chin and face lift used to be a method of getting rid of a double issue. While both are very effective, new methods have fewer side effects, a process much faster recovery and less scarring. These are all added bonus for those who want to experience some degree of plastic surgery.

Chin surgery has revolutionized liposuction. These medical procedures are used to remove fat around the neck that makes people have jaws that are too thick. To make your skin tight neck and chin after surgery usually occurs after you have received this type of plastic surgery.

Some of the benefits of having chin liposuction incisions are very small compared to having a facelift. Liposuction cuts heal faster. When you have liposuction, cuts are made in places where its probably not notice. There is little bleeding and less tissue damage. After surgery, there is very little bruising or swelling. After getting the chin liposuction a special elastic belt is used to provide some pressure for a couple of days, but after that, you do not need special care.

So all in all, chin liposuction may be the best way to go if you want to get rid of an annoying self-esteem and chin hits. This is a surgery that most people are now choosing to get rid of your double chin. This surgery has many advantages and recovery is easy. This is the way to go.

liposuction price range

Cheeks are among the first things noticeable when people smile. And chubby cheeks look cute babies and toddlers, but certainly not in adults. This is why many adults are very aware of how they see their faces for fear of becoming the laughing stock of your friends. And it's not something to smile about, right?

Buccal fat, which refers to the fat in the lower cheeks, is the root of all the evils of suffering called chipmunk cheeks or chubby cheeks. Some people resort to surgery to get rid of the buccal fat from their cheeks. Surgery is known plays liposuction, which is also known as the reduction cheek surgery and removal of fat mouth.

Cheek liposuction aims to make cheeks more streamlined to remove the buccal fat. Usually done in an hour, plays liposuction is done by creating an incision between the cheeks and gums, forcing the buccal fat through the incision, the buccal fat removal and incision closure.

Cheek Liposuction has become a popular cosmetic procedure these days. But is it a wise decision to go under the knife to improve their game? Be aware of the costs and risks of this procedure before anything else.


How much will it cost to undergo liposuction cheek? It all depends on your surgeon and outcomes. The cost also varies depending on the hospital or surgery center. Usually, the price is between $ 1,500 and $ 5,000. This price range includes only the cost of the surgeon and diverse.

Because cheek liposuction is considered cosmetic, many insurance companies do not cover. Many surgeons, however, offer flexible payment plans for patients.


The two most common risks involved in cheek liposuction are unpleasant reactions to anesthesia and wound infection. The swelling and bruising in the area of ​​the incision may occur for a week after the buccal fat removal. Patients also experience numbness in the area surrounding the incision, jaw, cheeks and central lines.

If you undergo liposuction plays in his mid 20s, the face tends to fade with age. This can result in a look on his face sordid later, to say nothing of the incisions and visible scars on his cheeks say. The procedure can also make it difficult for you to chew food.


Surgery is a complicated and risky method to improve the appearance of the cheeks. Are there other options to get rid of chubby cheeks, you may be wondering. Fortunately, there are safer, simpler and more natural alternative to liposuction cheek. And the best of them is that it costs you nothing! You do not have to spend thousands of dollars just to get the look you want. These options include the following:

Facial Exercises
Appropriate amount of water
Maintaining a balanced diet
Avoid foods rich in carbohydrates, fat and salt
Watch the alcohol and caffeine
Weight training
With blush and other makeup techniques to make cheeks appear smaller

Liposuction Price

Liposuction prices are largely dependent plastic surgeon decides to devote to plastic surgery. Price depends liposuction body areas to be treated. As liposuction has become increasingly popular in recent years, liposuction prices have dropped to a point where liposuction is now available for people of all income groups, although, according to some doctors, many people are confused about the price of liposuction. When considering the costs that may be useful to compare the prices of liposuction in different geographical regions.

Cost of liposuction

The cost of liposuction is a complex concept. If you are considering liposuction, make sure to include an analysis of what the procedure will cost and how you will pay for it. "How much does liposuction" is one of the most frequently during the exploratory process for most potential patients. If the surgeon does not have the information that you have the right to be a little more careful. You should reasonably expect that your surgeon has the price list liposuction.

Note that the cost of liposuction surgery may also depend on the health of individuals being treated for. Cost of liposuction surgery are highly dependent on the details of what you are doing.


Guesswork is eliminated and his confidence is strengthened by the knowledge of the facts, as well as expenses related to liposuction surgery. You can expect your doctor tells you the facts - including potential risks, benefits, procedures and pre-and post-operative, and the time needed for recovery.

Liposuction Surgeon

If you are planning to have liposuction, you need to talk with a doctor or an experienced surgeon as soon as possible. In speaking with several good liposuction surgeons in your area can help relieve anxiety and stress naturally. Although you should not geographically limited if the price savings is liposuction surgeon and has a good reputation. Liposuction costs vary widely by city and state, but other factors in the cost of liposuction include the surgeon's fee, facility fees, anesthesia, clothing, medicines, etc.. Always consider the total cost of the procedure by main components, including the cost of liposuction surgeon, anesthetist fees, and more.

When looking around for a good plastic surgeon to perform the procedure, it is not necessarily the best choice to go with the cheapest surgeon. Although cost is an important factor when choosing your plastic surgeon is a good idea not to be too frugal about it.

Exhaust all possibilities before committing to a particular surgeon. These include location, status of the surgeon, experience and customer service, the number of liposuction procedures, the area of ​​the body of the procedure is complete, fresh installation, drugs, anesthesia, Postoperative clothing and other expenses. It is important that you discuss each specific price and cost with the surgeon before making your decision.

The national average price of liposuction varies between $ 4500 and $ 8000, which leaves a big difference to prospective patients to treat. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS notes) that the average price of liposuction is a national average, occur only geographical differences. Basically, liposuction price depends on the body part to be treated, the patient's size, the amount of fat that needs to be extracted as well as the geographic location of the surgeon ..

The general price list of liposuction include non-surgical and surgical expenses. When it comes to liposuction prices, what to do also determines how much it will cost. Therefore, liposuction price depends on where, what and how. In conclusion, we can see that the amount of the cost of liposuction surgery depends on the amount of research you do before choosing your surgeon.

liposuction surgery-Liposuction Surgery Procedure

Before liposuction surgery over conventional blood transfusions are necessary because the amount of blood loss during the procedure. Dr. Jeffrey Klein, tumescence dermatological surgeon origin that allow a patient under local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, decreased blood loss. Liposuction still has risks, especially when large amounts of fat from liposuction / liquid extract or if the patient has an allergic reaction to anesthesia. Deaths were associated with a tummy tuck or abdominal liposuction. Other symptoms, toxic shock, the irregularities of the skin, bruising, scarring, nerve damage and ugly dermatitis.

Another reason tumescence causes bleeding is minimal due to the use of a small microcannulae. Small cannulas can tunnel into the tissue causing less pain more effectively, thus reducing the amount of anesthetic required during the procedure. Common areas for liposuction are the upper and lower abdomen, hips and flanks (love handles), inner and outer thighs, inner knees, arms, neck, ankles, calves and back.

The patient must have a good understanding and realistic expectations about the results of liposuction surgery. If you have cellulite that much better, but it is not expected to disappear completely. Postoperatively, the patient should maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the results. Not only the physical needs must be performed, but also emotional. The reasons for the patient so that the procedure could be improved marital relations or get that job promotion they feel they deserve, are reasons not to undergo cosmetic surgery and should be recognized by the surgeon during the initial consultation.

During the initial consultation, the patient must fill out a medical history, including medications and / or supplements, medical history of the family, prior surgeries and drug allergies. Your surgeon will provide the patient with instructions for pre and post-operative care, and the risks associated with liposuction surgery. The recovery time for any cosmetic surgery usually lasts a week or more, and more difficult for assets, such as exercise or lifting heavy objects. The surgeon may propose alternative to liposuction, it is available. It will show the patient where you place the insertion marks and take pictures before surgery, so that you can compare to photographs taken after at a later date.

The prospective patient should ask the doctor if they are board certified, the number of liposuction procedures they have done, ask to see before and after photos or other patients and get referrals from patients. The surgeon may also have a payment plan or related to a health care professional business credit. The credit card companies offer an interest rate of health, with higher limits and can get financing for people with bad credit.

So if you have tried diet and can not get rid of those stubborn areas liposuction may be something you might consider. After getting liposuction Many notice a decrease in appetite and the desire to maintain their results to learn to live a healthier life.

What happens during liposuction surgery?

First zone of the skin where liposuction is performed with a disinfectant is prepared and mark the insertion sites. A local anesthetic is used when the site is cut, extended and pretunneled using a small hemostat. Then, anesthesia and a corticosteroid used to numb and prevent infection of deeper tissue layers. Cannula is inserted and the surgeon will guide the cannula out to all the areas that need liposuction until you feel at the end. At this point you can wake the patient to see if the regions have been lost and then complete the transaction. Liposuction surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts 2-3 hours depending on the size they are processed in the relevant regions.

What happens after surgery?

Some surgeons suture insertion site, while others allow them to drain causing less bruising and swelling. The patient should wear compression garments and absorbent pads immediately after surgery and continues to be days or weeks, depending on the surgeon. As inflammation decreases the patient will need smaller clothes. Other postoperative restrictions may include, without showers, no heavy lifting, no exercise and no work until your follow-up appointment.

New liposuction procedures:

SmartLipo also known as "lipo midi" uses a laser to destroy fat cells that result in a separate through a small incision in the skin liquid. This minimally invasive procedure allows patients to see faster results with less risk. If a small area is needed as many patients return to work after the procedure.

LipoSelection uses ultrasound energy to break up and soften the fat before it is removed, leaving the surrounding nerves, blood vessels and tissues unharmed virtually minimize post surgical bruising and swelling. A small probe emits high frequency sound energy to break down fat so that it is easily removed with liposuction tubes.

Liposuction-When Liposuction Is the Goal

For many men and women, liposuction is ideal for problem areas. This is the first step, however. People need to do their part to improve the appearance of your body first. The problem is that this is not a weight loss procedure. In other words, it takes a long time to get your body to the point you want it to be. Of course, you must also consider whether the procedure can help manage those last few pounds it's hard to take care of the area. What should you do first?

Work to improve your diet

Before considering liposuction, it is a good idea to spend some time working to improve your diet. Get rid of sugars and carbohydrates that could be adding pounds to your waistline. You should avoid dieting, but focus specifically on health, clean food. This will help to change the long-term effects of overeating or eating healthy does for your body. Make your first step in an overhaul of the diet does not put on the pounds that you will lose.

We work to improve exercise

The next step in the process is to improve your exercise regime. Even if you do not like to get physical and move, you must. This will not only help you lose weight, but also help to finally get more toned. There may still be areas where you need lipo, but before you can use this treatment option, it is best to work on toning your muscles. Thus, after surgery, you will feel very good about the way your body looks, and not just fat reduction, but also the overall muscle feeling.

Use Lipo

Liposuction is very effective to intervene and resolve problems that diet and exercise can not. You can have pockets of fat in your abdomen or thighs that do not go away, no matter what measures to take to get there. Not easy, but the surgery will help get rid of fat and skin, and can feel good in this area. This procedure removes fat cells for good, but remember that you can always gain weight in this area if you do not focus on the exercise and diet in the long term.

Liposuction can work very well for people who have done the hard work to lose weight the right way. This can help you get the results you hope you can really look great.